Helping Aspiring Real Estate Investors Get Started: Tanner Courtad

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We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Tanner Courtad, Customer Experience Manager at Kiavi, to gain valuable insights from his extensive experience working with real estate investors. Tanner has worked with hundreds of customers on financing their fix-and-flip and rental projects. Join us as we delve into his expertise, advice, and success stories, offering guidance to help aspiring real estate investors flourish and grow their businesses. 

Let’s dive into Tanner Courtad’s lessons at Kiavi:

Q: How long have you been at Kiavi?
A: With previous experience in Sales and Customer Experience, I started at Kiavi in January 2020. Over the past three and a half years at the company, I’ve formed relationships with our customers, cross-functional team members, and partners to continue establishing Kiavi as a leading lender to real estate investors.

Q: What’s your favorite part about working at Kiavi?
A: There are so many things I enjoy working at Kiavi! My favorite part is helping real estate investors become financially independent through their investment property strategy - whether acquiring a deal to fix and flip or buy and hold. I love hearing all about their success and having a part in helping them achieve their goals!

Q: What does your day-to-day look like as a Customer Success Manager?
A: Each day is different at Kiavi, depending on which customers I’m working with. Typically, I’ll contact new and experienced real estate investors to learn more about their current investment strategy and educate them on our loan products. 

In these conversations, I help guide them on making more informed investment decisions by ‘doing the math’ on deals and discussing how financing can boost their bottom line. From there, I remain their account manager throughout the loan process and work with our internal team members to ensure the loan closes on time. One of my main priorities is offering our customers consistent communication throughout the entire life of the loan.

Q: What do you like most about the real estate investing industry?
A: The real estate investing industry is similar to sales. The more you put in, the more you get out of it. It's also like a game - sometimes you win or lose. However, with each “loss,” you can learn something valuable to apply to your next deal to continue growing.

It's also fun watching fix-and-flip projects come to light! I love my customers' before and after photos and have seen some amazing projects, from full gut jobs to light renovations, that really bring a property to life. 

Q: What inspires you to work with our customers?
A: The mindset of our customers is super inspiring - they’re truly the heart of Kiavi’s business. Many are doing something that scares them, especially in the current market environment, but they fight through it anyways to reach their financial freedom goals. I firmly believe that success comes from doing things that scare you. 

Q: What is your best advice for aspiring real estate investors?
A: With every deal comes a lesson to be learned - so just keep going and don’t give up! Real estate is a never-ending business of learning new things to apply to the next deal to become successful. 

Q: What’s one way you help our customers be successful?
A: I’m always available to answer questions, run the numbers on a property, and provide transparency around their loan. However, I like to spend a lot of time educating customers on our products so they can go into the market and know if the deal would work financially. 

Q: What’s one of your favorite customer success stories?
A: I have too many to pick favorites through the years! However, a customer that comes to mind is RJ Z., based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. RJ and his wife have been my customers for over three years, completing multiple fix-and-flip projects and a few rental properties. Watching them succeed in their real estate investing business has been a joy. 

Q: What’s one thing — either industry-related or not — you learned in the last month?
A:  It’s okay to fail or make a mistake! Good things come to those that never quit and are consistent. Ask for help when you need it, and keep going!

Final Thoughts

Our conversation with Tanner Courtad, Customer Experience Manager at Kiavi, sheds light on the invaluable expertise and guidance he provides to aspiring and novice real estate investors. With a passion for helping customers achieve financial independence through property investment, Tanner's dedication and knowledge have made him an invaluable asset to the Kiavi team.

Tanner's insights are a reminder of the importance of perseverance, continuous learning, and embracing challenges in the ever-evolving real estate industry. With each deal presenting an opportunity for growth, aspiring investors can take inspiration from Tanner's advice and strive for success.

At Kiavi, we’re committed to providing exceptional service and empowering our customers to thrive in their real estate investment endeavors. With seasoned professionals like Tanner Courtad on our team, we are here to guide you every step of the way, from initial investment strategies to loan closings and beyond.

So, if you're ready to embark on your real estate investment journey, trust Kiavi as your partner and let our team help you turn your dreams into profitable realities. Together, we can build a prosperous future in real estate investing.



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